Saturday, June 4, 2011

What are the benefits of using castor oil packs?

Castor oil packs are essential to any treatment protocol, as therapy for major illnesses and everyday problems to maintenance of health.  Castor oil’s effectiveness is attributed to it’s unusual chemical composition of 90% ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid is an unsaturated omega-9 fatty acid that is anti-inflammatory and prevents the growth of bacteria, yeast, and viruses.  When castor oil is absorbed through the skin the lymphocyte count increases, the cells of the immune system that protect the body against disease and fight infections.
Castor oil packs also stimulate the lymphatic system, improving lymph flow and increase the removal of toxins, cleansing the tissues. Many problems can occur when lymph drainage is slow. Cells accumulate toxins and metabolic waste, the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the cell is decreased, which can lead to destruction of the cells and compromise the body’s functional capabilities.  When the lymphatic system is functioning optimally, toxicity is reduced and there is an overall improvement in organ function. This allows for better assimilation of nutrients and a decrease in inflammation. The removal of cellular waste products is essential for health.
Castor oil packs are made by applying the oil to a piece of flannel and placing the cloth on the abdomen, over the liver. The cloth should be covered with a sheet of plastic and a hot water bottle for 60 minutes everyday, or minimally in sequences of 3 days in a row. It should be noted that castor oil stains clothes, so be sure to use old clothes. A great compliment to castor oil packs is dry skin brushing.

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