Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Naturopathic Principles

The Healing Power of Nature 
The body has an inherent ability to heal itself and restore health.
Symptoms are the body's attempt to heal itself.
Naturopathic physicians remove the obstacles to cure, so the body
can efficiently defend itself and return to a balanced, healthy
internal environment.
First Do No Harm
Naturopathic Physicians utilize gentle effective therapies that minimize
the risk of harmful effects. Whenever possible the suppression of 
symptoms is avoided as suppression generally interferes with the healing 
process. Naturopath's acknowledge and respect each individual's self-healing process,
and utilize treatments that will work with that that process.
The nature of health and disease is multifactorial.
Each individual's mental, physical, spiritual, genetic, environmental,
social, and emotional factors must be taken into account. All of these
aspects are intimately connected within each of us and must be looked
at to create a personalized and comprehensive approach to diagnosis 
and treatment.
Identify and Treat the Cause
The cause of disease originates on many levels and can often have to do 
with lifestyle, dietary habits and emotional imbalances. 
If only symptoms are treated and relieved the cause of those symptoms
remains and can present recurrent problems, often developing into
more serious conditions.
Prevention of disease and attainment of optimal health are the primary
objectives in Naturopathic Medicine. Assessing risk factors, heredity, and 
susceptibility to disease, the appropriate interventions in partnership
with patients can prevent disease.
Health is a reflection of how we choose to live, one cannot be 
healthy in an unhealthy environment.
Doctor As Teacher
Naturopathic Doctors serve as facilitators for their patients. 
They encourage self-responsibilty for health and empower their 
patients in a journey to optimal health and happiness.

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