Wednesday, April 27, 2011


“[Alteratives] improve the quality of the blood, increase the appetite, promote digestion, and accelerate the process of elimination.”  Harvey Wickes Felter, 1922
The word alterative has variously been defined as something that “alters” the body in a non-specific but broadly beneficial way, a blood purifier, blood cleanser, and detoxifier...
Every physician would agree that individual cells could not be viable at all if they 
could not absorb nutrients and eliminate their cellular wastes.  So too, there could 
be no bodily life at all if an organism could not obtain high quality energy and 
nutrition and rid itself of metabolic waste products.  To any complex multicellular 
organism, the delivery and removal of such vital substances depends on a healthy 
digestive system.  The more one studies physiology, the more obvious it becomes 
that the quality of the fluids in each and every cell, depends on quality of the blood, 
which depends on the efficacy of digestive, absorptive and eliminative processes.  
Whether you are an amoeba, an earthworm, an aardvark, or a human, you are 
what you eat/digest/absorp/don’t eliminate/etc.  Simple though it may sound, 
the use of alterative herbs could indeed alter one for the better.  
Any tool a physician/herbalist has to increase the strength of the digestive 
and eliminative functions, the quality of the blood, and the delivery of nutrients to
 individual cells, could only support health and vitality. For this reason, 
alteratives are the mainstay of herbal and naturopathic medicine.      
some examples of Alteratives:
Taraxicum (Dandelion) , Arctium lappa (Burdock), Rumex (Yellow Dock), 
Mahonia (Oregon Grape), Achillea (Yarrow), Trifolium (Red Clover)
Alterative herbs are those which are capable of improving overall health by balancing 
and tonifying basic bodily processes.  Alteratives stimulate digestive and 
absorptive functions thereby optimizing nutrition.  Alteratives also promote
elimination functions and thereby the removal of wastes, minimizing toxic 
accumulations and enhancing intestinal aerobic flora.  Due to these actions, 
alteratives are considered to be cleansing and general tonics.  Alteratives 
improve the nutritional status, improving the quality of the blood, correcting 
deficient absorption and metabolism, and clearing toxicity.   
Alteratives accomplish all this primarily by stimulating secretory activity of 
the digestive organs and optimizing gastrointestinal health  Alterative herbs 
also contain nutrients, minerals including trace minerals, electrolytes, and 
hormonal precursors that all nourish and stimulate metabolism.   

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